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VRP - Subscription

A credit is calculated as follows:

Number of vehicles x number of stops pr. VRP calculation.

VRP Basis

Dkk 795
including usage of 1.500 credits a day.

Example VRP Basis:

3 vehicles and 150 stops = 450 credits used for that VRP. (You can request 3 VRP a day with those settings).


VRP Plus

Dkk 2385
including usage of 25.000 credits a day.

Example VRP Plus:

5 vehicles and 500 stops = 2.500 credits used for that VRP. (You can request 10 VRP a day with those settings).



Dkk 4770
pr. month including usage of 50.000 credits a day.

Example VRP PRO:

10 vehicles and 1.000 stops = 10.000 credits used for that VRP. (You can request 5 VRP a day with those settings).


VRP Enterprise

Contact for price
Please contact us for pricing.